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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: How learning occurs (Beriter). Cmap 2, Learning is based on The three mental processes, the learners learning process can be captured through Concept maps, learning patterns include confluent, neuro impulses and translates them into symbols, Concept maps are help the teacher, learner to construct knowledge, learner to be active participants in the learning process, non declarative memory stores procedures, The three mental processes are cognition, teacher to applying a pedagogy which includes all learners in the classroom, determine how they learn thus it is not what I teach, affectation deals feelings, learning patterns include precise, The let me learn process is based on multiple intelligence, Brain where they are send to the mind, learning patterns serve as serve as filters, serve as filters to external stimuli, teacher to understanding the learners better, non declarative memory stores skills, cognition deals with thinking